@prefix config: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dcmitype: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix geo: . @prefix om: . @prefix locn: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix dbpedia: . @prefix p: . @prefix yago: . @prefix units: . @prefix geonames: . @prefix prv: . @prefix prvTypes: . @prefix doap: . @prefix void: . @prefix ir: . @prefix ou: . @prefix teach: . @prefix time: . @prefix datex: . @prefix aiiso: . @prefix vivo: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix fabio: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix swrcfe: . @prefix frapo: . @prefix org: . @prefix ei2a: . @prefix pto: . bibo:eissn "1476-5403"; dcterms:creator "Apostolova N."; bibo:volume "13"; dcterms:contributor ""; a ou:Publicacion; ou:vecesCitado "59"; ou:bibtex "@article{ientos_Esplugues_McCreath_2005, title={Loss of apoptosis-inducing factor leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species, and an impairment of respiration that can be reversed by antioxidants}, volume={13}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.cdd.4401776}, DOI={10.1038/sj.cdd.4401776}, number={2}, journal={Cell Death and Differentiation}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group}, author={Apostolova, N and Cervera, A M and Victor, V M and Cadenas, S and Sanjuan-Pla, A and Alvarez-Barrientos, A and Esplugues, J V and McCreath, K J}, year={2005}, month={Sep}, pages={354-357}}"; bibo:issn "1350-9047"; ou:tipoPublicacion "Letter"; vcard:url ; dcterms:publisher "Cell Death and Differentiation"; dcterms:title "Loss of apoptosis-inducing factor leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species, and an impairment of respiration that can be reversed by antioxidants [4]"; ou:eid "2-s2.0-30844461261"; fabio:hasPublicationYear "2006"; bibo:doi "10.1038/sj.cdd.4401776"; ou:openaccess "1"^^xsd:boolean; bibo:page_range "354-357"; vivo:identifier "2006-212"; ou:urlScopus . ou:tienePublicacion .