@prefix config: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dcmitype: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix geo: . @prefix om: . @prefix locn: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix dbpedia: . @prefix p: . @prefix yago: . @prefix units: . @prefix geonames: . @prefix prv: . @prefix prvTypes: . @prefix doap: . @prefix void: . @prefix ir: . @prefix ou: . @prefix teach: . @prefix time: . @prefix datex: . @prefix aiiso: . @prefix vivo: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix fabio: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix swrcfe: . @prefix frapo: . @prefix org: . @prefix ei2a: . @prefix pto: . dcterms:contributor ""; a ou:Publicacion; ou:urlDialnet ; dcterms:title "La transmisión de la medicina popular la baja Extremadura"; dcterms:publisher "Revista de estudios extremeños"; bibo:page_range "1547 - 1587"; bibo:volume "65"; vivo:identifier "2009-967"; bibo:issn "0210-2854"; ou:tipoPublicacion "Article"; fabio:hasPublicationYear "2009"; vcard:url ; ou:urlOrcid ; ou:bibtex "@article{dialnet-ART:3300513, abstract= {This study examines the transmission, both in terms of origin and dissemination, of folk medicine in the Baja Extremadura region of Spain. The known percentage of remedies received is 87.8%, whereas 61.7% were disseminated. The known transmission (origin) of folk medicine is basically oral (86.2%). This is produced within the same family (56.6%), and the mother is the major transmitting figure (33.7%). In terms of dissemination of remedies, men (67.3%) disseminate more than women (57.3%). The use or the effectiveness of popular remedies does not influence their dissemination.}, author= {Altimiras Roset, Jacint and Peral Pacheco, Diego and Vallejo Villalobos, José Ramón and Martín Alvarado, Miguel Ángel and Roura Poch, Pere}, issn= {0210-2854}, journal= {Revista de estudios extremeños}, number= {3}, pages= {1547--1587}, title= {La transmisión de la medicina popular la baja Extremadura}, url= {https://www.dip-badajoz.es/cultura/ceex/reex_digital/reex_LXV/2009/T.%20LXV%20n.%203%202009%20sept.-dic/RV12935.pdf}, volume= {65}, year= {2009}}\n\n". ou:tienePublicacion . ou:tienePublicacion .