@prefix config: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dcmitype: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix geo: . @prefix om: . @prefix locn: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix dbpedia: . @prefix p: . @prefix yago: . @prefix units: . @prefix geonames: . @prefix prv: . @prefix prvTypes: . @prefix doap: . @prefix void: . @prefix ir: . @prefix ou: . @prefix teach: . @prefix time: . @prefix datex: . @prefix aiiso: . @prefix vivo: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix fabio: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix swrcfe: . @prefix frapo: . @prefix org: . @prefix ei2a: . @prefix pto: . bibo:issn "1578-1968"; dcterms:contributor ""; a ou:Publicacion; vivo:identifier "2016-1407"; ou:tipoPublicacion "Article"; dcterms:title "Impacto del nivel socioeconómico en el conocimiento del ictus de la población general: un gradiente de desigualdad social"; fabio:hasPublicationYear "2016"; ou:bibtex "@article{dialnet-ART:5297088, abstract= {Objectives\r\n\r\nSocioeconomic status is a factor that influences health-related behaviour in individuals as well as health conditions in entire populations. The objective of the present study was to analyse the sociodemographic factors that may influence knowledge of stroke.\r\n\r\nMethod\r\n\r\nCross-sectional study. A representative sample was selected by double randomisation. Face-to-face interviews were carried out by previously trained medical students using a structured questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions. Adequate knowledge was previously defined. The Mantel-Haenszel test and adjusted logistic regression analysis were used to assess the association between knowledge of stroke and the study variables.\r\n\r\nResults\r\n\r\n2411 subjects were interviewed (59.9% women; mean age 49.0 [SD 17.3] years) Seventy-three per cent were residents of urban areas, 24.7% had a university education, and 15.2% had a low level of schooling. Only 2.1% reported earning more than 40 000 euros/year, with 29.9% earning less than 10 000. Nearly 74% reported having an excellent or good state of health. The unemployment rate was 17.0%. Prevalence of “adequate knowledge” was 39.7% (95% CI: 37.7%-41.6%). Trend analysis showed an association between knowledge of stroke and income (z = 10.14, P < 0.0001); educational level (z = 15.95, P < 0.0001); state of health (z = 7.92, P < 0.0001); and employment status (z = 8.98, P < 0.0001).\r\n\r\nConclusions\r\n\r\nEducational level, income, employment status, and state of health are independent factors for adequate knowledge of stroke. Public awareness campaigns should present material using simple language and efforts should be directed toward the most disadvantaged social strata in particular.}, author= {Ramírez Moreno, José María and Alonso González, Rafael and Peral Pacheco, Diego and Millán Nuñez, M.V. and Roa Montero, A. and Constantino Silva, A.B. and Aguirre Sánchez, José Javier}, issn= {1578-1968}, journal= {Neurología}, number= {1}, pages= {24--32}, title= {Impacto del nivel socioeconómico en el conocimiento del ictus de la población general: un gradiente de desigualdad social}, volume= {31}, year= {2016}}\n\n"; ou:publicadaEnRevista . ou:tienePublicacion .